Craftswoman Temporary Residence at the Institute for Labor Generosity Workers and Uniforms in Long Beach, June 2014.
Saturday June 14tth: Secrets and Confessions featured a series of pieces by Liz Young. For this project, Young collected private confessions from anonymous participants and embroidered their words onto the surface of found objects. Young serves as an unreliable confident as secrets are transferred from the private to the public realm.
Thursday June 19th, 7-9pm: Surface Tensions an evening of performance with works by Brian Getnick, Kate Hoffman, Liz Nurenberg, and Jemima Wyman. The event will featured works that address gender through body and process-based performances that explore tactile and sensory experience, skins and surfaces, narratives expressed through materials, and the intersection of fashion and performance.
Index image: Liz Young