Cavelike, collage, 33” x 59.5”  2016

Broken She is Everywhere, collage, 13.5” x 14.5” 2016

Broken She is Everywhere, collage, 14” x 17” 2016

Umbilical Vein, collage and ink, 33" x 34” 2015

Vestige, collage, 8.5” x 11” each 2015

I am Taken, ink and collage, 32" x 30" 2015

Liminal, collage, 8” x 14” each, 2015

I Night, collage and ink, 22” x 26” 2014

V/W, collage, 40” x 48” 2014

V, ink & brush,  22” x 30” each, 2009

Black Veil, collage, 13” x 20” ink and gouache, 2010